Monday, January 14, 2008

Update on Cadbury

Our poor little Cadbury got real sick from a parasite. So Cadbury is staying with Kim at Blessed farm, she is helping the poor sick bunny get better with her special TLC. Another thing is Cadbury is a she not a he. This is really hard to say she not he.
Anyways those of you who are bunny lovers please send Cadbury healing bunny thoughts.


Ellen said...

Oh the poor wee thing I do hope she is better soon.. How funny tho that he turned out to be a SHE ~ grin

Helaine said...

Ya, we thought that was pretty funny. considering that Kim checked his um her sex before hand.


Can you speak a little louder? said...

I hope Cadbury is feeling better!

Sometimes it can be tricky to sex a young bun, it took me a bit of practice... but there are those...

zippiknits...sometimes said...

Poor little baby. I hope that she is better?

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