Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Spinning on my kiwi

This is my progress with spinning on my Kiwi. The muli-colored bobbin is my 1st time spinning a whole bobbin full. Then last night I sat down again and spun up some more. It is getting where it actually looks like yarn! I do plan on making up swatches of each of these so I can see my progress as I spin more.


Unknown said...

Looking great!!!! Can't wait to see how your new bat spins up :-)

Helaine said...

Me too! I wound up the 1st bobbin and tomorrow I am going to do the same with the 2nd bobbin. To free up those bobbins.


Dulie said...

won't be long and you'll have a gazillion bobbins laying around calling your name... especially when being carried past you in the mouth of your labrador friend...

Looks good, can't wait to see the corriedale spun up! HUGS friend!

Helaine said...

Well I sure hope Whisper doesn't decide to take off with my bobbins.

Missed ya,

zippiknits...sometimes said...

I love your multi-colored spinnings. I hope your bobbins don't go on vacation with the Labrador. Yikes!

Helaine said...

I don't have a doggie that could take off with my bobbins so I think I am safe unless my angora get loose to take off with one.



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