Saturday, October 4, 2008

Dish cloths for a cure

I am making dish cloth sets to raise money for the Kitsap county's relay for life in May 2009.
Once I have some ready to sell I will put up payment information here.
Thank you for helping me raise money for relay for life.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Knitting for Raidan

The yarn on the top is blueberry pie and that is what I am making with the cute pattern above for Raidan.

Then I found this cute shirt for Raidan so I decided to get some matching cotton yarn to make her a skirt to go with it.

I love making stuff for her to wear.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

crochet dish cloth

First I would like to thank Ellen for telling me how to start this project. Some times I have a hard time visualizing how something works. She took the time to call me to tell me what I needed to do to start it.

Then I went to crochet pattern central to find an easy/quick towel topper pattern that did not need a button as I could not find my buttons.

So this is what I came up with last night. I have one more to finish then these are going to my daughter Dawn for her birthday tomorrow.

So till then shhhhhh no telling!

Monday, February 11, 2008

This is the 1st knitting I have done with something I have spun up on my kiwi. It is going to be Dawn's birthday present.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

spun up

This is what I have on the bobbin from the Corridale batt I picked up last week end at Allyn knit shop. I am going to enjoy knitting this as much as I did spinning it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Spinning on my kiwi

This is my progress with spinning on my Kiwi. The muli-colored bobbin is my 1st time spinning a whole bobbin full. Then last night I sat down again and spun up some more. It is getting where it actually looks like yarn! I do plan on making up swatches of each of these so I can see my progress as I spin more.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

corridale batt for spinning

I went to Allyn knit shop today to pick out some wool to spin. This picture does not quite show all the colors as they are but it was the best out of 4 pictures.
It goes from a light cream to reddish brown to some brown in it. I felt like I got a pretty good deal on it. Lois told me that if I want more after I spin this up she has more for me ;)
I also met up with Robin who lives out that way. I think she has some socks in her future LOL
More later when I get some of it spun up.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Easter bunny for Raidan

I am making my grand daughter Raidan Aiko the amigurumi bunny for Easter. This is what I have so far. The head, I am using sugar & cream pink varigated yarn. I am thinking of making the legs, arms and ears in pink then use some fuzzy white yarn I have for the tail. I can't just follow the directions noooooo I gotta tweak it some so it looks different.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Update on Cadbury

Our poor little Cadbury got real sick from a parasite. So Cadbury is staying with Kim at Blessed farm, she is helping the poor sick bunny get better with her special TLC. Another thing is Cadbury is a she not a he. This is really hard to say she not he.
Anyways those of you who are bunny lovers please send Cadbury healing bunny thoughts.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Whisper bunny

Updated picture 1/20

Whisper is our newest bunny from Kim at Blessed farm in Tahuya, Wa
She is a blue eye english angora at 4 month old she is a beautiful girl.
She is very sweet to groom as she just lets me do what needs to be done.
She loves to be petted as she nudges my hand to let me know it is time to be petted.
I am looking forward to the day that we breed her.

Friday, January 4, 2008

A new year

Happy new years, I hope everyone had a great holiday season

I wanted to share some things that my Mom sent in her package to us for Christmas.

The crochet bear and doll were made for my Sister by my Grandmother. My Mom had saved them so she sent them for Raidan to have. Mom saved a few of the things that Grandma made for us and as Raiden grows older she is going to send them to her.
So for my 1st project of the year in the tradition of my Grandmother I want to make a crochet animal for Raidan. Not sure what yet........if any one has any ideas let me know.
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