Sunday, March 2, 2008

Knitting for Raidan

The yarn on the top is blueberry pie and that is what I am making with the cute pattern above for Raidan.

Then I found this cute shirt for Raidan so I decided to get some matching cotton yarn to make her a skirt to go with it.

I love making stuff for her to wear.


Ellen said...

Now that is just too cute - what a super Grandma you are Helaine ;9

Helaine said...

Thanks, I hope it all turns out good. Illaya sent me the pattern that you see so I am finally knitting it up.


zippiknits...sometimes said...

It will turn out beautifully, and the color is such a perfect match. Lucky Raidan to have you knitting up outfits. :o)

Val S. said...

I just love that little shirt and the yarn you chose to go with it! Please make sure and post photos of the progress!

Helaine said...


I just love that little shirt so I had to find a color that would match as a skirt. Some day when I get the jumper done then I can start the skirt. By then the weather should be warm enough for that shirt.


Ellen said...

Hey Helaine. I'm tagging you for a Meme. If you check out my blog you'll see what it's all about & hopefully you will play too ;9

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