Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Jersey Wooly rabbits


I am excited to say that I am going to be welcoming a doe and buck jersey wooly rabbit's into our home as our starter pair for our rabbitry.

We have decided to name our rabbitry

"Raidan's bunny hutch"

Amy and I will be breeding and showing them.


Ellen said...

What fun, I read tho that she has 2 legs, what's up with that or did I read it wrong?

Helaine said...


That is a show term which I think it means she has been in 2 shows? When I go pick them up it will be at a rabbit show so I will find out what I can. My bunnies are going to be shown for the last time by the breeder at that show. So I get any ribbons and comment cards to take home with me. I might be getting a cutie pie little buck for Amy's 4-H project.
His name is Pop since yesterday she has added new rabbits for sale so he is down towards the bottom of the page. He is a little cutie and even Dave was like that is one nice looking bunnie!

Hugs, Helaine

Anonymous said...

Hi Helaine!

No, it means that he's won two classes with at least 3 breeders showing at least 5 rabbits. That's good! 3 legs and he's able to file for his championship!

The doe is a pointed white, and the buck is a blue.

Lisathemom said...

What cute bunnies! The gray one does look like my Smokey in miniature. Good luck!

rrj said...

Your jersey wooly rabbit really perfect, I like it.

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